Soccer 5 Academy Returning to Practice Procedures

May 29, 2020

The safety of all players, coaches, and those involved is our main priority. Soccer 5 Academy will be strictly implementing the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and FYSA (Florida Youth Soccer Association) recommended safety regulations.


  • No signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days. 

  • No high fives, handshakes, knuckles, or group celebrations. 

  • Infection prevention supplies (hand sanitizer) will be present on locations. 

  • All Soccer 5 Academy staff will be required to wear masks. 

  • Cash will not be accepted until further notice from management. Only online or over the phone 
Credit Card payment will be accepted for the foreseeable future. 

  • Players must be registered online ahead of time in order to participate and will be placed in 
groups of 6-8 players with 1 coach.Players must bring with them their own soccer ball. No 
physical contact between players is permitted. 

  • Sessions will last 50 minutes (i.e.6:00pm – 6:50pm). Curriculum will consist of technical and 
physical skill training sessions with no player-to-player or player-to-coach contact. 

  • Parents, players, and coaches will have to wait in their vehicles until assigned field time. 

  • Parents will have to drop off player sat assigned field (always practicing social distancing) and 
then cannot stay near field to observe practice or socialize with other parents. Parents will have 
to either go for a walk in the park(always practicing social distancing) or wait in their vehicles. 

  • Parents must pick up players from assigned field at the indicated time the session ends (i.e. 
6:50pm). They can always be picked up earlier but never past the end of session time. No on-site meetings with coaches will be permitted. Parents can address any questions, comments, or concerns via email, text, or phone call to their coach or S5A admin. 

  • Coaches must dismiss all players at end of session and immediately pickup practice materials and leave field 5 mins before start of next session (i.e. leave field by 6:55pm). This will allowSoccer 5 staff member to spray and sanitize fields. Coaches will not be allowed to meet with any parents after practice or stay and socialize at the park. 


  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training. 

  • Wash and sanitize training equipment after every training. 

  • Do not share water, food, or equipment.

  • Gloves and masks are allowed for players but are not required. 

  • Temperature checks need to be conducted by players and their families prior to attending any 

  • Covered water bottle tops. 

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CDC Recommendations:

How to protect yourself and others

FYSA Recommendations:

Return to play guidelines
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